-> Books and Other Products
Questions on books and other products:
G4. Where can I get videotapes/laserdiscs of TP? P1. What TP books are available? P2. What other TP products are available? P3. Is there a TP fan club? P4. Is there a TP fanzine? P5. What TP sights can I see if I visit Snoqualmie? P6. Where can I get a copy of the song sung by the lounge singer in the Red Room in the final episode? P7. Is that the actor who played BOB in the Soundgarden music video of "Black Hole Sun"? P8. How do I get information on the annual TP Fan Festival? Answers:
P1. What TP books are available? "Official" books licensed by Lynch/Frost Productions: 1. "The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer" by Jennifer Lynch (David's daughter), paperback, 184 pages, published by Pocket Books, ISBN 0-671-73590-X, list price $8.95 Harrowing account of Laura's history of abuse. Covers time from her 12th birthday until her last week alive. [In Australia: published by Pan Macmillian Publishers Australia (division of Pan Books Aust), ISBN 0-330-27229-2] 2. "The Autobiography of FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper: My Life, My Tapes" "as heard by" Scott Frost (Mark's nephew), paperback, 195 pages, published by Pocket Books, ISBN 0-671-74400-3, list price $8.95 Important background on Cooper's adolescence and pre-TP FBI career, including history with Windom Earle. As transcripts of his tape recorded comments, the book is alternately hilarious and mysterious. [In Australia: published by Pan Macmillian Publishers Australia (division of Pan Books Aust), ISBN 0-330-27280-2] 3. "Twin Peaks Access Guide to the Town" by David Lynch, Mark Frost, and Richard Saul Wurman, paperback, 112 pages, published by Pocket Books, ISBN 0-671-74399-6, list price $10.95 Terrific spoof of tour guides, it also provides info on the history of the town, some biographical info on series characters, and some hints of the town's mysteries (Owl Cave, Glastonbury Grove, etc.). 4. "Images" by David Lynch, published by Hyperion, ISBN 0-786-86060-X, list price $40.00. A retrospective of Lynch's career to date, including shots from all films, and samples of his paintings, sculptures, and photgraphs. Includes a section on TP (with the One-Armed Man's poem) and FWWM. (The 4 above books are "must haves" for Peaks Freaks.) Other books in English: 5. "Welcome to Twin Peaks: A Complete Guide to Who's Who & What's What" by Scott Knickelbine, paperback, 128 pages, published by Publications Internation, Ltd., ISBN 0-451-17031-8, list price $3.95 The first rip-off book rushed out to capitalize on first season popularity. Removed from market, not worth searching for unless you're a "completist" about collecting TP stuff. 6. "Twin Peaks Behind The Scenes: An Unofficial Visitors Guide to Twin Peaks" by Mark Altman, trade paperback, 145 pages, published by Pioneer Books, ISBN 1-55698-284-4, list price $14.95 A worthwhile summary of background info and some "insider" info not found elsewhere. Now out of print, you might be able to get a copy from the publisher directly at (702) 658-2090. E-mail Jim for a copy of his review with more detailed info. Note: Altman's planned follow-up book, "Twin Peaks Revisited" was scrapped when FWWM did not do well at the box office. 7. "A Twin Peaks Interpretation: A 90's Person's View of the Twin Peaks Television Series" by Patricia Shook, paperback, 129 pages, published by Pilgrim Printing, ISBN 0-227-17674-5, list price $12.95 A rehash of the action in each episode, told from an "eyewitness" account. Nothing new or interesting. Order from the author (also the organizer of the annual Fan Festivals in Snoqualmie) at: Peaks of Romeo 8900 N. Dutchess Romeo, MI 48065 (Add $3.00 for postage and handling, 4% sales tax for Michigan.) 8. "David Lynch" by Kenneth Kaleta, paperback, 207 pages, published by Twayne Publishers, ISBN 0-8057-9323-2, list price $13.95 A film studies professor's study of Lynch's work, with a chapter on TP. 9. "Teleliteracy: Taking Television Seriously" by David Bianculli, hardback, 315 pages, published by Continuum Publishing, ISBN 0-8264-0535-5, list price $24.95 This study of quality TV by the NPR TV critic (and major TP fan) does not have a lot on TP, but he cites it as one of the best shows ever. 10. "Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture" by Henry Jenkins, paperback, 343 pages, published by Routledge, ISBN 0-415-90572-9, list price $15.95 "An ethnographic account of the media fan community", including TP fans and alt.tv.twin-peaks readers! 11. "The Films of David Lynch" by John Alexander, published by Charles Letts & Co. in Britain, ISBN TBS. An analysis of all Lynch works including TP and "On the Air". One interesting tidbit: he claims the name Laura Palmer was from the 1947 film noir classic "Born to Kill". In the film, Laura Palmer is a girl beaten to death! 12. "Full of Secrets: Critical Approaches to Twin Peaks" by David Lavery, published by Wayne State University Press, ISBN: 0-8143-2506-8, paperback, $18.95. A collection of academic essays and studies of the series (including a study on the alt.tv.twin-peaks newsgroup!) expanded from the TP issue of Literature/Film Quarterly--see question P4). Refer to issue #13 of "Wrapped in Plastic" (aka WIP) for a review of the book and interview with its editor. (See question P4 for details on ordering WIP.) To order directly from publisher (in the US), call 1-800-WSU-READ You can also order it from WIP magazine or Bruce Phillips. The editor, David Lavery, welcomes comments and questions on the book via e-mail: dalavery@acad1.mtsu.edu 13. "David Lynch" by Michel Chion, published by British Film Institute, ISBN: 0-85170-457-3, paperback, translated from the French. French film critic Chion's book is a comprehensive study of Lynch's entire career (through "Fire Walk With Me"), and contains extensive commentary on "Twin Peaks" and a fascinating appendix called "Lynch Kit" describing common themes running through Lynch's works. 14. "Television's Second Golden Age" by Robert J. Thompson, published by Continuum Publishing, ISBN: 0-8264-0901-6, hardcover, $27.50. A study of the "quality dramas" of the '80s and '90s, including "Hill Street Blues", "thirtysomething", "St. Elsewhere", "China Beach", "Cagney & Lacey", "Twin Peaks", "Moonlighting", "Northern Exposure", "L.A. Law", and "Picket Fences". The "Twin Peaks" section includes a brief description of the alt.tv.twin-peaks newsgroup! -------------------- There is also a Dutch book written by members of the Dutch TP fan club (see question P3 for details on the club): ++++++++++ The title of the book is simply: "Vademecum" [va.de me.cum n, pl vade mecums [L, go with me] (1629) 1: a book for ready reference: manual 2: something regularly carried about by a person] The authors are members of Ninetyblue's Peaks Experience (as the Dutch fan club was called back then): William de Bruijn, Rob van Erkelens, and Mirjam S. Vosmeer. The publisher is: Amber. The CIP data of the book: Vademecum Vademecum Twin Peaks / Peaks Experience. - Amsterdam: Amber ISBN 90-5093-194-4 NUGI 300 Trefw.: romans;oorspronkelijk. (c)1992 Peaks Experience/Ninetyblue en De Boekerij bv, Amsterdam The cover of the book (paperback btw, not hard cover) is a closeup of a piece of wood. Rubbing that part of the cover where the pages are held together causes a perfume to be released which smells like the juices of the Douglas Fir (on the cover it says: 'Rub your fingertips over the cover and smell the juices of the Douglas Fir!', but then in Dutch, of couse). The whole book is written in Dutch, there is no English translation available. This is a list of all the chapters, it should give you some idea what the book is about: - Preface - Welcome to Twin Peaks - Have F.U.N.: About David Lynch's universe, about his work and about the man himself - A Policeman's Dream: About the donut - The Evil in These Woods: Dream and archetype, television and fairy tales - Deliver the Message: A page from Margaret's diary, found on Old Logging Road, written by a fan club member - A Large and Interesting Place: Twin Peaks, the story - For My Girlfriend: Hawk's poem - The Owls Are Not What They Seem: About the mysticism in Twin Peaks - Do Your Palms Ever Itch?: A TP-inspired story by Mirjam - Not Necessarily A Straight Line: About Sherlock Holmes and Dale Cooper - People Come To Me And Tell Me Their Stories: About Harold Smith - We Lived Among People: About the 'visible' battle between good and evil - The Magician Longs To See: About BOB's poem - Laura Had Secrets: About Laura and the links toward Invitation to Love - It's Not Really A Place, It's A Feeling: An analysis of Twin Peaks - Heba, I Want To Cook For You: A story inspired by Jerry Horne - The Evil That Men Do: About BOB - The Queen Must Die: About Windom Earle's poem - Twenty Five Years Later: A short story on how it might have been... - Deep In The Woods: Details, references and addiction (about references to other movies and the Twin Peaks phenomenon) - Places To Go And People To See: Encyclopedia (names of all characters and a short description of them) This is what it says on the back cover: "The unprecedentedly popular Twin Peaks series, the cult series of the nineties, a revolution in the realms of soap, not only has been able to attract a lot of viewers, but also has brought people into the state of utmost confusion. "Plot, religious and mystical references, complex symbolism, bizarre visual imagery and complex relationships between characters guarantee that quite a lot of viewers will follow the series with utmost devotion and concentration. "In this book, three passionate viewers put forward their fascination for the series in investigative essays as well as in humoristic intermezzos. The authors have united themselves in the Peaks Experience, the organization which invented the Twin Peaks Info-call-in-line and wrote: 'In much the same way as the charting of a newly discovered country is indispensable, so was the creation of a Twin Peaks vademecum'." So, that should give you an idea of what the book is about, a thorough analysis of Twin Peaks in its every aspect. Even for those who have been following alt.tv.twin-peaks for the last couple of years the book will provide them with some new ideas, some new perspectives. For those who are still oblivious to the deeper realms of the series, this book is a must. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with a course in Dutch ;-) ++++++++++ There is also a German book on Lynch: ++++++++++ From: Ray Privett <rcp3761@is2.NYU.EDU> Subject: Lynch books: Seesslen's DAVID LYNCH AND HIS FILM Seesslen, Georg. _David Lynch und Seine Film_. Marburg: Schuren, 1994. ISBN 3-89472-052-2 Herausgeber und Redaktion: Dieter Bertz und Stefan Reinecke (Editors) chapters (rough translation and guessing by Ray Privett) - Reiseberichte aus der Ho:lle - Die Geburt des einsamen jungen Mannes (the birth of the lonely young man) - Henry Spencer verliert den Kopf: Eraserhead (Henry Spencer loses his head) - Der Ausgestossene und seine Sehnsucht: The Elephant Man (the outsider and his sensations(?)) - Der Messias und sein Scheitern: Dune - Die Liebe, in der Ho:lle gesucht: Blue Velvet (looking for love in hell) - Diesseits des Regenbogens: Wild at Heart (?) - Point of (No) Return: Twin Peaks - Ein postmodernes Welt-Bild aus den USA (a postmodern picture of the USA (?)) - Die Passion der Laura Palmer: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (the passion of L.P.) - Der einsame junge Mann verschwindet (the lonely young man disappears) (sections about Industrial Symphony #1, The Cowboy & the Frenchman, On The Air, Hotel Room) - Die Methode Lynch: Zeichen und Wunder (The Lynch Method: ?) (Zitierte Literatur - cited work) (extensive filmography) (extensive Bibliography of writings about the work of Mr. Lynch) (Photo credits and thanks) A German friend of mine will be translating some sections pertinent to current work I am doing. As far as I know, there is no English version of this book available. Ray Privett ++++++++++ TOP of section ------------------------------------------------------------ P2. What other TP products are available? "Official" products licensed by Lynch/Frost Productions: 1. "Diane ... The Twin Peaks Tapes of Agent Cooper" performed by Kyle MacLachlan, 60 minute audio cassette, published by Simon & Schuster Audioworks, ISBN 0-671-73573-X, list price $9.95 Collection of audio tapes of Cooper, from shortly before start of TP series through episode 8. No new revelations, but definitely a cool souvenir. Kyle won a Grammy award for this! 2. "Twin Peaks Collectible CardArt", set of 76 trading cards, published by Star Pics, now out of print, but can be ordered through Bruce Phillips (see below). Each card describes a character or object from the series with "vital statistics" on the back. Has some interesting trivia not found elsewhere. There are also autographed cards available singly for premium prices. 3. Soundtrack from "Twin Peaks", music composed by Angelo Badalamenti, lyrics by David Lynch, published by Warner Brothers, catalog number 9 26316-2 (CD), 9 26316-4 (cassette) Music from first season episodes--mostly instrumental with 3 songs containing vocals by Julee Cruise. Note: despite persistent rumors, there is no soundtrack album for the second season. 4. Soundtrack from "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me", music composed by Angelo Badalamenti, lyrics by David Lynch, published by Warner Brothers, catalog number 9 45019-2 (CD), 9 45019-4 (cassette) Music from the film--mostly instrumental with 1 song containing vocals by Julee Cruise, 2 songs with "Beat"-style vocals by Angelo Badalamenti, and the song "Sycamore Trees" with vocals by Jimmy Scott (the "lounge singer" in the Red Room from the series finale--an instrumental portion of this song is heard in the film). Other products: 5. "Floating Into the Night" album by Julee Cruise, music composed by Angelo Badalamenti, lyrics by David Lynch, published by Warner Brothers, catalog number 9 25859-2 (CD), 9 25859-4 (cassette) First album by Lynch's musical protege, containing music from "Blue Velvet" and "Twin Peaks", as well as original songs. 6. "The Voice of Love" album by Julee Cruise, music composed by Angelo Badalamenti, lyrics by David Lynch, published by Warner Brothers, catalog number 9 45390-2 (CD), 9 45390-4 (cassette) Latest album (released October '93), containing music from FWWM, as well as original songs. Recommended for fans of "TP style" music or Cruise's fans. 7. Warner-Pioneer of Japan also released a "Peaks Mania EP" on CD, catalog no. WPCP-4848. It basically consisted of tracks from the US CD single of "Rockin' back inside my heart" (at least 2 different mixes were included), plus a couple of Angelo Badalamenti's instrumental pieces from the soundtrack album. 8. Warner Music Japan also released a "Visual Soundtrack" (WPLP-9083), which was produced by WOWOW (Japan Satellite Broadcasting, Inc.) and Office Two-One Inc. It's basically the TP soundtrack album played over a travelogue of filming sites and tourist spots in the Snoqualmie/North Bend area. -------------------- Far and away, the best source for TP collectibles is: Bruce Phillips 46702 Camelia Drive Canton, MI 48187 Send him a self-addressed, stamped business-size envelope for his current catalog. Besides the trading cards, he carries "anything and everything" TP, including: - all the items listed above - magazines with TP articles from around the country and the world - promo material for the series, movie, and other products - posters - buttons and bumper stickers - sheet music - TP board game (from England) - back issues of TP fan magazines, including "Wrapped in Plastic" - Fan Festival merchandise - videotapes and laserdiscs - much more He can also be reached via e-mail to: phillipsbp@aol.com -------------------- A good source for T-shirts and other Snoqualmie area souvenirs is: Alpine Blossom Gift Shop PO Box 808 North Bend, WA 98045 phone: (206) 888-2900 or 888-0336 -------------------- The publishers of "Wrapped in Plastic" also have a limited amount of TP merchandise for sale in each of their issues (see below). -------------------- There are also TP scripts (individual episodes and FWWM) available from various sources including: ----- Pix Poster Cellar 1105 Mass Ave, #10 Cambridge, MA 02138 phone: (617) 864-7499 or toll free (800) 666-7499 ----- or ----- Script City in Los Angeles, phone toll free: (800) 676-2522 ----- or ----- From: Kev206@aol.com (Kevin Halstead) I have a collection of over 500 scripts, including all the Twin Peaks episodes, the David Lynch films, etc. I am always interested in TRADING with other collectors. Address: Kevin Halstead 16 149th Avenue NE #C Bellevue, WA 98007 E-Mail: Kev206@aol.com Among the scripts I have which may be of interest to Twin Peaks fans are: - 26 Twin Peaks episode scripts (including pilot) - Ronnie Rocket - One Saliva Bubble - Blue Velvet - Boxing Helena - Dune (2 different drafts by D. Lynch) I also have 500 or so other titles available. I am primarily interested in trading with other collectors (either for scripts or TP items), but will sell scripts if someone has nothing to trade. People can write to me at the above address for a complete list of titles. ----- as well as from Bruce Phillips and other bookstores. -------------------- Here's a source for posters: ----- C. Hall (chall@blue.weeg.uiowa.edu) said: I stopped at a poster sale at the U of Iowa student union and the guy had a # of TP things, including Audrey and FWWM posters, promo photos (Donna at home, Truman/Coop with dogs outside the railroad car where Laura died, Laura's homecoming photo in the trophy case at TP High, etc.) He also had some stuff for other Lynch productions (an Italian Blue Velvet poster, stuff for Crumb, etc.) I abhor the commericial use of the internet, but for those of you (like me) who cannot readily find this stuff locally, the company is Iconographics and their number is 1-800-279-9779. ----- -------------------- Sheet music: ----- From: Johan Lif <johan.lif@vlt.se> Sheet music for Badalamenti's music was published in 1990. If the music stores don't carry it, maybe it could be ordered directly from the publisher: Cherry Lane Music P.O. Box 430 Port Chester, NY 10573 The book contains the music for the following songs: - Twin Peaks Theme - Audrey's Dance - The Nigntingale - Freshly Squeezed - Into the Night - Dance of the Dream Man - Love Theme from Twin Peaks (Laura Palmer's Theme) - Falling The transcriptions are for piano and vocals. Hope this helps! Johan Lif (Sweden) johan.lif@vlt.se ----- From: cs169077@cs.brown.edu (Lee Jack Humphrey) It also has an interesting introduction by Bruce Pollock, and lots of great pictures. It's cover price is $12.95. Catalog number 0-89524-613-9. ----- -------------------- Michael Anderson (the Little Man From Another Place) offers customized answering machine tapes in his famous "Black Lodge" speak: Newsgroups: alt.tv.twin-peaks From: ae165@lafn.org (Michael Anderson) Subject: Twin^^Peaks Date: Sun, 12 Mar 1995 18:08:14 GMT **************************************** T W I N ^^ P E A K S **************************************** * The Man From Another Place * The enigmatic, red suited, dancing dwarf who first appeared in the dream sequence of episode #2. New York Magazine described him as the perfect symbol for the 90's of a world gone mad! "Filled with secrets!" from a place where "there's always music in the air," Now available direct to you from * The Man From Another Place * ___________________________________________________________ | | | P E R S O N A L I Z E D P H O N E M E S S A G E S | |__________________________________________________________| When you're in "another place," have your phone answered with personalized messages recorded by *The Man From Another Place* himself! example: "I've got good news. [YOUR NAME HERE] will be calling you back if you leave your name and number." Or any message you desire! (25 word or less) Actual double reversed or (more intelligible) simulated double reversed. 1 personalized message, $20 + s & h * 2 personalized messages, $35 + s & h * set of 4 personalized messages, $50 + s & h * * shipping $2 (snailmail), $5 (2-day mail), $15 (international orders) To order, send check or money order payable to: Michael Anderson 6930 Lennox Ave., #25 Van Nuys, CA 91405-4007 Include your return address and the personalized message(s) you would like *The Man From Another Place* to record for you! note: snailmail address is good until April. If you need additional information send specific questions to this eddress. ae165@lafn.org TOP of section ------------------------------------------------------------ P3. Is there a TP fan club? There is not one in the US at this time. A number of them existed, but have since dissolved. Probably the most well-known was Citizens Opposing the Offing of Peaks (COOP), which led a campaign to lobby ABC to continue the series. A number of people ordered T-shirts from COOP, which were never delivered after the series ended. -------------------- There is a Dutch TP fan club: ++++++++++ Starting out in '91. we published a newsletter. The last newsletter was, I believe, no. 6, in which we offered a magazine "Lynchburg Chronicles", that replaces the newsletter. People can sign up as a member for Hfl 25,- (about $15) The address: Special Peaks Experience Lodge (SPEL) PO Box 2504 1000 CM Amsterdam The Netherlands We've just published our 13th issue (best yet!). We have some foreign subscriptions, but not many (as most foreigners can't read Dutch). We also did some episode intros (a la Log Lady) for Dutch TV. If you're interested, Bruce Phillips has a copy (see above). The "management" of the Dutch TP fan club can also be reached through email: - William de Bruijn: wilbru@vpro.nl - Marco Aarts: M.F.A.Aarts@kub.nl - Jarno Maasbommel: 0469254@ptfe22.hro.nl ++++++++++ -------------------- There's a French TP fan club, led by Pascal Pigot. His e-mail address is: pascal.pigot@chaos2.frmug.fr.net -------------------- There is also a fan club devoted to James Marshall (James Hurley): ++++++++++ From: joemill@ismi.net Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 Subject: James Marshall Fan Club The James Marshall Fan Club is supported and recognized by Marshall and is a member of the National Association of Fan Clubs, so rest assured it is legit. I know most people are hesitant when it comes to the term "fan club." For $5 a year you get two newsletters, a membership card, and updates (as news warrants). If you would like to get an idea of what the club is about you can e-mail me your mailing address and I will send you a free sample of what gets sent out to members. The club primarily focuses on James Marshall's continuing career, upcoming movies, etc. You can send me e-mail at joemill@imsi.net, or send a SASE for further information to: The James Marshall Fan Club 3296 Swarthout Pinckney, MI 48169 ++++++++++ TOP of section ------------------------------------------------------------ P4. Is there a TP fanzine? The premiere TP magazine is "Wrapped in Plastic", now published every other month. Available by subscription and at select comic book stores around the world, it is devoted solely to TP, and each issue contains invaluable information about the series, movie, and products, as well as essays and articles on the show and its themes. Each issue is a "must have" for TP fans. You can send e-mail to the editors, Craig Miller and John Thorne at 70473.2254@compuserve.com Subscription info: ************************************************************ US subscriptions: $29.00 for one year (6 issues). * pay with check or money order (no cash) Foreign sub info: ----------------- Canada: $35.00 (US) for one year; * best to pay with money order from Canadian post office Europe: $ 7.50 (US) per copy (no limit to sub amount); Elsewhere $ 8.50 (US) per copy (no limit to sub amount) * best to pay with American Express International Money Order (made out in US Dollars). WIP *highly* recommends paying with an American Express International Money Order. These are readily available at European banks and are the easiest payment methods for them to process. (It also means they can get orders out fast!) When obtaining an American Express International Money Order, specify US Dollars, and make order payable to: "Win-Mill Productions". Overseas subscriptions are offered on a per-copy basis. There is no minimum or maximum. With European orders (for example), if you want a three-issue subscription, simply send $22.50(US). Four issues would be $30, five issues would be $37.50, etc. Subscriptions begin with the current issue. Send orders to: Win-Mill Productions 1912 E. Timberview Lane Arlington, TX 76014 phone: (817) 274-7128 Also, if you send WIP your mailing address they will send you a flyer listing all back issues availability, contents, and prices. ************************************************************ -------------------- Note that the "Twin Peaks Gazette", which was officially licensed by Lynch/Frost Productions, folded after 3 issues. Copies of the issues are available through Bruce Phillips. -------------------- From the UK, there is: ++++++++++ February 24, established 1992, is a quarterly Twin Peaks newsletter. We attempt to cover all the kinds of stuff you would expect to find in such a title - news and views on TV projects, movies, music, print, etc. Trivia is our Holy Grail. Plus plenty on an opinion-theory tip. A sister title, Where Angels Play, devotes more pages to longer articles and also casts an eye over the atrocities known as "Films the Cast Have Appeared In". It's not a pretty sight. Subscriptions - Four issue subs to Feb 24 are currently 34.00 pounds (UK) / 35.00 pounds (Europe) / 36.00 pounds (USA and Rest of World). All foreign subs sent Air Mail. Cheques and Postal Orders (UK) should be made payable to Douglas Baptie. Foreign orders should be via bank cheque (in pounds sterling and drawn on a British bank), international money order, or cash via insured mail. USA/RoW may send $10.00 cash as an alternative, but use insured mail for your own security. We cannot accept personal cheques from overseas! The following back issues are available - February 24 - no.s 5/6/7/8/9 @ 31.00 pounds each (UK and Europe) / 31.50 pounds (USA and RoW) [or $2.00 each] or send same amount for a sample copy of the latest issue. Where Angels Play no.2 - 31.80 pounds (UK) / 32.00 pounds (Europe) / 32.50 pounds (USA and RoW) [or $4.00 each] Address all mail to: Douglas Baptie, Top Flat, 1 Ancrum Court, HAWICK, TD9 7DB, Scotland, UK. or send e-mail to: dgb01@stir.ac.uk ++++++++++ -------------------- There is a Dutch language magazine, "Lynchburg Chronicles", put out by the Dutch TP fan club (see question P3 for details). -------------------- There are several important single issues of magazines with TP themes: - Film Threat, Oct. '92 has several TP articles and an episode guide: Available for $5.00 from: Film Threat Back Issues Dept. 9171 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 300 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 - Epi-Log, July '92 (issue #20) has detailed TP episode synopses: Available for $6.95 from: Star Tech PO Box 456EP Dunlap, TN 37327 - Video Watchdog #2 has articles and an episode guide, #16 has articles on FWWM and a description of the missing scenes: Available for $11 (#2) and $8 (#16) from: Video Watchdog PO Box 5283 Cincinnati, OH 45205-0283 charge by phone: (513) 471-8989 - Literature/Film Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 4 is an all-TP issue of serious film studies of the series and movie. The editor also published a book (see #12 above). Available for $8.00 from: Literature/Film Quarterly Business Manager Salisbury State University Salisbury, MD 21801 These are also available from Bruce Phillips or "Wrapped in Plastic" (see above). -------------------- (other magazines with single articles TBS) -------------------- There are other foreign TP magazines available through Bruce Phillips (see above). -------------------- There are also a number of "fan fiction" magazines that contain stories written by fans with the characters from TP. One of these is Power Star: http://members.aol.com/kimmurphy/private/pshome.html Or e-mail the editor: kamurphy@ix.netcom.com (Kimberly Murphy) -------------------- Another is Secrets of Twin Peaks: From: plasmapres@aol.com (PlasmaPres) Newsgroups: alt.tv.twin-peaks Subject: SECRETS OF TWIN PEAKS 'zine Date: 17 Mar 1995 18:03:13 -0500 SECRETS OF TWIN PEAKS...the only fanzine solely devoted to continuing the story from the former TV series. Each issue contains at least one new Twin Peaks "episode," as well as back-up stories spotlighting individual characters, reader letters, commentary, and outstanding original artwork. Find out what people have been raving about, and why SECRETS OF TWIN PEAKS has been called "a treasure," "brilliant," and "Lynchian!" Prices: Issue One $2.00 Issue Two $2.50 Issue Three $4.00 (double-sized) Issue Four $2.50 Issue Five $4.50 (double-sized) --all prices include book rate postage Make checks/money orders payable to and order from: Peg Kennedy and Bill Hupe Footrot Flats 916 Lamb Rd. Mason, MI 48854 A Plasma Press production. Letters of inquiry and comments should be directed to: Doug Giffin Plasma Press 1690 N. Marshall, Apt. A Milwaukee, WI 53202 PlasmaPres@aol.com (subscriptions are not available due to the erratic nature of publication) -------------------- Another is Twin Peaks: Conjunction: From: anniebw@aol.com (AnnieBW) Newsgroups: alt.tv.twin-peaks Subject: I've got more good news Date: 10 Apr 1995 20:12:30 -0400 My TP fanzine, "Twin Peaks: Conjunction" is now available from: Bill Hupe c/o Footrot Flats 916 Lamb Rd. Mason, MI 48854 USA It's $16 for first-class rate, and $15 for book rate. What's it about, you ask? Here's a brief (!) synopsis: Trapped in the Black Lodge, Cooper sends out a plea to an old friend, the only person who understands his problem. Meanwhile, his doppelganger threatens Annie Blackburn's life. The bank explosion leaves Pete dead and Audrey fighting for her life. A guilt-ridden Jack Wheeler returns to TP to confront his past, with his fiery half-sister in tow. Catherine sets her sights on the Great Northern, and gets help from an unexpected source. Donna struggles to come to terms with the fact that Ben is her father. Ann Brill White TOP of section ------------------------------------------------------------ P5. What TP sights can I see if I visit Snoqualmie? (Map courtesy of Niels Bauer [nielsb@cs.tamu.edu}): | British Columbia, Canada |-------------------------------------------------- | | | E___ Legend: ------ / / \___I203 OP = Olympic Peninsula / / | \ Ps = Puget Sound / | | F T = Tacoma | | Se______ \ Se = Seattle OP |PS | | I90 \___S_ E = Everett | | | \_N_ F = Fall City | | | \___ S = Snoqualmie \ / | I5 N = North Bend --- / T--/ Here are some distances as well: From: To: Miles: Seattle Snoqualmie 28 Seattle Tocama 32 Seattle Spokane 280 Seattle Vancouver, BC 164 in or near North Bend: - Mar T Cafe (Double R Diner) - "the" stoplight right next to the Cafe - Alpine Blossom Gift Shop [souvenirs, not a filming site] - Mt. Si Motel (sleazy motel from FWWM) - Snoqualmie Winery (site of Laura/Donna/James picnic) in or near Snoqualmie: - Gazebo, the "big log", and abandoned train cars in town - Mt. Si High School (TP High School) - railroad bridge where Ronette emerged from woods - Weyerhauser mill (Packard Mill) - Weyerhauser administration building (Sheriff's station) - view of Mt. Si from Renig Road (opening "Welcome to TP" shot) - trailer park (Fat Trout Trailer Park) - Salish Lodge (the Great Northern) - Snoqualmie Falls (Whitetail Falls) in or near Fall City: - Colonial Inn (Roadhouse) - Windstreamers kite shop (Big Ed's Gas Farm [not to be confused with Big Edd's Family Dining in Snoqualmie]) in Poulsbo (Puget Sound): - Kiana Lodge, Poulsbo (interior of Great Northern, exterior of Blue Lake Lodge [Martell house]) For detailed directions and further info, see the collected Snoqualmie touring information. TOP of section ------------------------------------------------------------ P6. Where can I get a copy of the song sung by the lounge singer in the Red Room in the final episode? The singer is "the legendary" Jimmy Scott, a jazz singer now enjoying a revived career, partially due to being "rediscovered" by David Lynch! The song, written by David Lynch, is called "Under the Sycamore Trees" and appears on the FWWM soundtrack (see question P2). TOP of section ------------------------------------------------------------ P7. Is that the actor who played BOB in the Soundgarden music video of "Black Hole Sun"? No. Although the scene may have been inspired by Twin Peaks, the actor is not the one who played BOB in the series (Frank Silva). Be sure to notice the other references to Lynch's work in this video, including: - The garden with bright colors and white fence ("Blue Velvet" beginning) - Woman with red lipstick all over her face (Marietta in "Wild At Heart") - The static TV screen (beginning of FWWM) - And doesn't the Black Hole Sun itself resemble a giant donut? (list courtesy of Marco Aarts: M.F.A.Aarts@kub.nl) TOP of section ------------------------------------------------------------ P8. How do I get information on the annual TP Fan Festival? These are usually held in Snoqualmie in August. To obtain more info, send a SASE (that's a self addressed, stamped envelope) to: Pat Shook Peaks of Romeo 8900 N. Dutchess Romeo, MI 48065. Sorry, they do NOT have an e-mail address. TOP of section ============================================================